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Michel Laryngeal Mirror with Handle 18 MM Diameter, 18.5 CM J-34-1031
One piece laryngeal mirror 18 MM diameter with long fixed Rhodium handle, 18.5 CM
Michel Laryngeal Mirror with Handle 16 MM Diameter, 18.5 CM J-34-1030
One piece laryngeal mirror 16 MM diameter with long fixed Rhodium handle, 18.5 CM
Michel Laryngeal Mirror with Handle 14 MM Diameter, 18.5 CM J-34-1029
One piece laryngeal mirror 14 MM diameter with long fixed Rhodium handle, 18.5 CM
Luc Polypus and Septum Forceps 20 CM J-32-389
Nasal polypus and septum forceps with rounded tip and serrated jaws, 20 CM.
Beckmann Adenoid Curette 21 MM Blade, 22 CM J-32-1820
Adenoid curette with curved, square, fenestrated tip with a sharp inner blade 21 MM, 22 CM total length.
Beckmann Adenoid Curette 18 MM Blade, 22 CM J-32-1800
Adenoid curette with curved, square, fenestrated tip with a sharp inner blade 18 MM, 22 CM total length.
Voltolini Nasal Speculum J-32-180
Self-retaining speculum, two long curved blades that are designed to form a duck-billed cone.
Beckmann Adenoid Curette 16 MM Blade 22 CM J-32-1780
Adenoid curette with curved, square, fenestrated tip with a sharp inner blade 16 MM, 22 CM total length.
Voltolini Nasal Speculum J-32-170
Self-retaining speculum, two long curved blades that are designed to form a duck-billed cone.
Aufricht Retractor 13.5 CM J-32-1601
Double-ended retractor, one L-shaped blade 60 MM, second hook-shaped blade with two prongs 6.5 MM, blunt, central handle, 13.5 CM total length.
Voltolini Nasal Speculum J-32-160
Self-retaining speculum, two long curved blades that are designed to form a duck-billed cone.
Cinelli Osteotome 16 CM J-32-1594
Double-guarded osteotome, 14 MM guards length, 16 CM total length.
Cottle-Nievert Retractor 20 CM J-32-1495
Double-ended retractor, one hook-shaped blade with one prong, second hook-shaped blade with two prongs, rectangular central handle, 20 CM total length.
Converse Nasal Hook, Retractor 12 CM J-32-1487
Double-ended nasal retractor, hook-shaped blades sharp, 12 CM.
Killian-Claus Nasal gouge 5 MM Blade, 16 CM J-32-1420
Nasal gouge, V-shaped blade 5 MM,angled bayonnet shaft, 16 CM.
Ballenger Septum Gouges 15 CM J-32-1400
Ballenger septum gouges, V-shaped blade, 15 CM total length.
Ballenger Nasal Knife Straight 5 MM Blade 21 CM J-32-1380
Nasal Knife for cartilage cutting, swivel blade 5 MM, 21 CM total length.
Killian Nasal Speculum 90 MM, 13 CM J-32-134
Nasal speculum with side screw, long blade 90 MM, 13 CM total length.
Killian Nasal Speculum 75 MM, 13 CM J-32-132
Nasal speculum with side screw, long blade 75 MM, 13 CM total length.
Killian Nasal Speculum 75 MM, 13 CM J-32-133
Nasal speculum with side screw, long blade 75 MM, 13 CM total length.